Monday, March 1, 2010

Healthy Meal Creator

Here is a quick draw up of a project that AJK is currently working on. The idea behind it is to help kids learn about the food pyramid and where food items belong on it. It is a project that we are marketing towards elementary school teachers to use for teaching kids about nutrition. On one poster board will be the food pyramid, like above in the drawing, and on it will be different food items attached by velcro. Food items can be removed so kids can take them down and try to figure out where they go. In addition, information will be available describing how each food item contributes to a healthy diet. Those same food items can then be placed on a second poster board (the right side of the drawing) where they can create healthy meals. The meal that can be made will already be on hte board but kids will have to put together different food items to make that meal (also attached by velcro). there will be recipes included for kids to take home to their parents to make that meal. We are still in the beginning stages of planning but will continue updating.

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About Me

J and K consists of 2 people who are part of a college marketing group in charge of coming up with a mock product or service. We are using this blog to document our work and also to try to get some people interested in our product. Our target group is elementary school teachers so if you teach young kids, we are very interested in your input.